Essex CountyNewsOld PhotographsWindsor

Historical Train Slide Show #9 – Saturday, January 26th, 2013, 7.30PM

From regular reader and contributor Tim Swaddling:

Hello friends

Saturday, January 26th, 7.30pm – Action Hobbies hosts Historical Train Slide Show #9

Free admission!

Action Hobbies Kingsville welcomes Myles Roach of Windsor, Ontario to be our featured presenter in the first half of this show. What’s different about this presentation is that Myles is 20 years old – by far the youngest featured presenter we’ve ever had at one of these shows. Myles is a burgeoning young rail photographer and documentarian and is the future of the hobby in many respects.

We’re always listening to criticisms, comments or suggestions regarding our slide shows and one suggestion we’ve heard more than a few times is “you should feature some of the younger photographers too, what are they interested in right now?”. Myles definitely answers that call – having been taking rail photos since he was in his mid-teens, he continues to develop and mature as a photographer as he studies some local masters of the craft.
We’ll have more on Myles and the future of rail photography in Southwestern Ontario in a future blog posting here in January that will feature an interview with Myles on what operations interest him, how Emery Gulash has influenced him, what he’s learning about Southwestern Ontario history and more.

The second half of the show will feature a casual mix of older archival gems from a variety of sources.

Note the special date and time of this show – a Saturday night with a 7.30pm start time. Another comment we hear (mostly from folks who can’t make the Thursday night shows!) is that they’d like to see some shows on a Saturday night too. While we can’t accomodate everyone’s schedule (as some Thursday people have told us they can’t do Saturdays), we will try and schedule a few more Saturday night shows going forward.

We’re also aiming to have an “extra” show this winter, as another suggestion is to make the shows monthly during the winter time. So look for a potential February announcement in mid-January (hopefully!). I can say that if a show is booked in February, it will be a Thursday night presentation.

The show will be 2 hours with an intermission in the middle of the presentation. Action Hobbies Kingsville will have a 10% off all in stock train products sale starting at 5pm. Seating will be limited, so arrive early to get your preferred seat. Complimentary snacks will be available along with a pay as you go pop machine (with the ever popular “Mystery Pop” selection well stocked with surprising varieties and AHK gift certificates).

We will post an interview with Myles on the blog in advance of the show, along with any other related links that arise between now and the show itself.

Attached is the poster for the event, suitable for printing. Please forward this along to anyone who might be interested.

Limited seating available – arrive early!

Slides spanning decades • Digital presentation

Extended store hours – 10% off all model train products during the extended shop hours, 6pm – 9pm / close.

Attached is a poster suitable for printing. Pass it along!

Call Action Hobbies at (519) 733-2619 for additional information.

Forward this email to your friends!


Action Hobbies Kingsville
197 Lansdowne Avenue
Kingsville, Ontario
N9Y 1S6
(519) 733-2619

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