Photo Du JourWindsor

Graham-Paige Motor Car Factory

Thousands of cars a day stream past this old brick factory on Wyandotte St. E. most if not all of them without giving any thought to the history of this former Automotive Assembly Plant. Like many old factories, it was great to live super close to work. This factory pumped out the Graham-Paige automobile from 1931-1935. However the depression wasn’t the best time for a new car factory, and…
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Photo Du JourWindsor


So this year I decided to hit the fireworks with my wife, we went Mike Beauchamp style, on two wheels. Easy in, easy out… The second floor of these two old Riverside Dr. homes, offered great views for the residents. Crowds of people make their way along Riverside…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Bird's Eye View - 1928

Here’s one of my favourite old Windsor Postcards. This one dates to 1928, and was taken from the roof of the Norton Palmer, and is looking west along Park Street. The Royal Windsor Apartments, which were brand new are visible in the foreground, to the rear is the Royal…
Photo Du JourWindsor

The Lanc's New Home

So after the long trip from Jackson Park to the Mall at the end of April, the Lanc has made its way to the airport where she’ll under go restoration to be able to taxi around, but sadly not fly. There are only two Lancs in the world that still fly. (Also, note that the proper tires are back on, they were removed to give the movers a lower clearance height during the move. See the link…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

John Campbell School Saved!

As is rarely the case, today International Metropolis is pleased to present GOOD NEWS for a change. In a complete change of direction from what was announced in 2003, John Campbell public school will be spared the wreckers ball, and will receive a full renovation/rebuilding. In 2003 if you might recall, provincial funding was acquired to replace three of the cities oldest schools. Begley (since…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Doty Place

Probably one of the shortest streets in the City (that would be interesting to find out what the shortest street actually is), Doty Place was one of those streets I had never been down before. I was out early one morning, and the traffic was light on Howard Ave., so I made…