Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Top Hat - Part I

Once upon a time, Windsor was the King of Entertainment. Supper-Clubs with big-name entertainment was common, among the biggest were the Elmwood (covered recently here, here and here), The Metropole and the Top Hat (which we looked at back in May). Today we look at some historical promotional material graciously donated by Sam Drakich. A few shots of the interior of the Top Hat from a postcard…
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You're invited...

So, I’m not sure how many of you out there caught this notice on page B3 of Saturday’s Windsor Star, but there is an architectural themed exhibition upcoming at the Art Gallery of Windsor. I am happy to announce that my photos make up the High Hopes &#8211…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Windsor Waterfront - 1930

This photo was taken at the foot of Caron Ave. looking toward the Detroit skyline. The most interesting thing about this card to me is the ship in the foreground. It is the Vedas, the bootlegging ship owned by Harry Low. From the Walkerville Times: When prohibition came into full force in the United States and Ontario, Low saw a chance to make some easy money. He borrowed $300 from a friend and…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Ambassador Bridge Plaque

For years, and years, I’ve wanted to get a photo of the great bronze plaques on the Ambassador Bridge, but I’ve never had the chance. Well, this weekend, I spent 1 1/2 hours crossing in the bridge. The only highlight was the chance to grab a few shots of the…
Old Newspaper StoriesPhoto Du JourWindsor

Devonshire Mall

From the Windsor Star – May 2, 1969 Artist’s view of centre Fifteen months from now Windsor will have one of the largest shopping centres in Canada with the opening of the $15,000,000 Devonshire-Windsor Shopping Centre on Howard Ave. south of E. C. Row Ave.
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Univeristy of Windsor

For all the students heading back to school next week, here’s a look back at the beginnings of the University of Windsor. Campus looked pretty bare back in ’54. University Centre, built in 1962, is at the heart of the University of Windsor campus, an…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Davis Public School

Built in 1966, William Davis Public School located at 2855 Rivard is one of the most unique structures in the city. The school is a two story round building. I don’t have any information on the architects, but I suspect Johnson & McWhinnie, as they have used the…