Photo Du JourWindsor

Ambassador Bridge Plaque

For years, and years, I’ve wanted to get a photo of the great bronze plaques on the Ambassador Bridge, but I’ve never had the chance.

Well, this weekend, I spent 1 1/2 hours crossing in the bridge. The only highlight was the chance to grab a few shots of the bronzes.

A large monongram of “JMS” is visible. Nothing I had turned up any information, so I checked in with my good friend Einar, who is a walking encyclopedia of archtectural sculpture. He came up with the sculptor Jonathan M. Swanson. From what I gather, this was one of his largest works. A little more on Swanson can be found here:

The visible expression of friendship in the hearts of two peoples with like ideas and ideals – 1930.

We sure have come a long way in the last 77 years. I’m not sure how similar we our to our American neighbours anymore, and it’s a shame.

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