Photo Du JourWindsor

So Long It's Been Good To Know Ya...

So I have no idea why this demolition went down on a Sunday morning of a long weekend, but it seems awfully stinky to me. The demolition contractor closed the curb lane of southbound Walker, and methinks that they didn’t have a permit to close the street. But hey, that’s what Sunday mornings are for… No pesky City workers around to point out small problems like that… Hey…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Death Fences

A good sign that time’s up for a building comes, once you see the death fences pop up. They appeared magically around the Bank of Montreal Building on Wednesday afternoon. I kept watch on Thursday to see what would happen, and by the end of the day the heavy machinery…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Hoa Viet

This oriental grocery store on Wyandotte St. W. between Bruce and Church is one of those buildings in town with a secret past. As featured in the December 31, 1929 issue of the Windsor Star, the building began life as a Nash Dealership. Other than some relatively small…
Photo Du JourPostcardsUnbuiltWindsor

Hugh Beaton School

Located on the corner of Lens and Windermere in south Walkerville, is this grand old school. Built in 1928 by the local firm of Nichols, Sheppard & Masson, sadly this building also received the same half assed window replacement that Walkerville C.I. also received. This big three story building ended up very different from the original plans… Why things changed so dramatically, I have…
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DetroitPhoto Du JourWindsor


You know that summer has truly arrived in Windsor and Detroit when the fireworks shoot off. Originally planned to coincide with the International Freedom Festival, this was the 50th annual installment of the local celebration. Although the IFF has gone the way of the dodo…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Blue Bell Motel

Located at 2701 Huron Church Rd. is the recently closed Blue Bell Motel. A long time fixture along Huron Church, the owners recently retired and sold out to the Ministry of Transportation, who bought the place up for the future border road expansion. The attached motel…
Photo Du JourWindsor

When will the madness end...

Time’s up! It’s hard to believe that there’s still things left in this city to tear down, but here’s another one… So, see you later Christ The King. Built in 1954, it’s outlived it’s use in a little more than 50 years. I’m sure that’s not what the parishioners who built this church had in mind. South Windsor sure is a victim of changing…
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Photo Du JourWindsor


Last night at Artcite another well attended event put on by both Artcite and as part of the “check out this sprawl” exhibit. The panel was moderated by master Chris Holt (r), and the rest of the panel was (from right to left): Larry…

Roundtable Tonight At Artcite

If you’re looking for something to do tonight, head on over to Artcite on University Ave at 7:00 pm for a round table disscussion on the Impacts of Urban Sprawl. The roundtable is a part of the “Check out this sprawl” exhibiton. Click on the image to…