Photo Du JourWindsor


Last night at Artcite another well attended event put on by both Artcite and as part of the “check out this sprawl” exhibit.

The panel was moderated by master Chris Holt (r), and the rest of the panel was (from right to left): Larry Silani, Director of Planning, Town of LaSalle
Joe Rauti, President, Greater Windsor Home Builders Association.
Shannon Porcellini, Trustee, Windsor Essex County District School Board
Veronika Mogyrody, Professor, University of Windsor
Mark Boscariol,
and not visible at the end Adam Glover, Artist.

scaledown writer James Coulter asks a question about development fees to Joe Rauti.

Behind James, you can see a decent turn out.

This was another good turnout, and lots of information was absorbed. The next step is now for the host to compile some of the information gathered, and to put something to paper.

It is good to see the respect the blogging community in Windsor is starting to gather. In the audience were members of the Windsor & Tecumseh Planning Departments. Hopefully the desire for something different is being heard by those who have the power to make changes. The status quo isn’t cutting it anymore.

Kudos to Artcite and scaledown for keeping the discussion alive.

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