
Roundtable Tonight At Artcite

If you’re looking for something to do tonight, head on over to Artcite on University Ave at 7:00 pm for a round table disscussion on the Impacts of Urban Sprawl. The roundtable is a part of the “Check out this sprawl” exhibiton.

Click on the image to download a .pdf of the flyer

Try and get down to check out this event. It will be an interesting discussion I’m sure.


Windsor – and Artcite have partnered to host a Community Round Table Discussion to examine the impacts of urban sprawl in Windsor and area’s built environment. The Discussion is open to the general public and will be held on Wednesday, June 18 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at the Artcite Gallery located at 109 University Avenue West, Windsor, Ontario.

Promising to be a fun and informative event, the roundtable discussion is expected to draw a lively and diverse crowd.
The Forum hopes to address what can and has been done to lessen the impact of the sprawling land-use priorities of the past, and how area citizens can play a part in the restoration of our built environment. Moderated by Chris Holt, the Round Table Forum is comprised of the following panelists:

Larry Silani, Director of Planning, Town of LaSalle
Shannon Porcellini, Trustee, Windsor Essex County District School Board
Veronika Mogyrody, Professor, University of Windsor
Adam Glover, Artist, Windsor
Mark Boscariol,
Joe Rauti, President, Greater Windsor Home Builders Association.

Taking place during Artcite’s “Check Out This Sprawl” exhibit, the Round Table Forum will include a unique on-site installation of photographs that investigate and highlight general issues of “sprawl” in the Windsor-Essex and Detroit areas. The photographic exhibition addresses the community, economic, social impact of big box and suburban development; area revitalization of centered business districts; under-utilized and ailing buildings and neighbourhoods; and urban blight., Windsor’s most exciting blog, is comprised of a team of local environmentalists, engineering technologists , educators and entrepreneurs. The blog has established itself as an innovative contemporary medium and is gaining public interest with its activism for safe, attractive walkable neighbourhoods; dynamic public spaces; and local independent businesses and artists.

For further information

Chris Holt (519) 980-7576 or

I look forward to seeing some of you down there.


Also, I was honoured to be included as an in-studio guest over on scaledown radio yesterday, where we talked about everything from Heritage Buildings to downtown street closures.

If you missed the show (on CJAM 91.5 – Tuesdays at 12:00 noon) Click the link below to listen to the show.

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