Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

National Auto Radiator

If last week was tour week, then this week is old ad’s/then and now week… From December 1952: National Auto Radiator, better known as the Narmco Group today. Look at the little tiny factory… It’s still there on Airport Rd., only there has been an expansion or two in the last 56 years… As you can see, the rest of the complex has sprouted up around the original…
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Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Ambassador Motors

Here’s an old Ad from 1952 that caught my eye. I always liked this building, and I thought it had interesting brickwork over the doors. Check out that Neon sign… Sadly there was a huge fire at a body shop last year, and the building burned as part of the…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Paulin Memorial

About a year ago, I featured 1963’s Paulin Memorial, with an exterior visit. Earlier this summer I was able to pay a visit and shoot the inside of this one of a kind structure. There is no other building like this anywhere in the city. Doug Johnson, of the firm…
Photo Du JourWindsor

J.P. Thomson

Another tour today, on what is quickly becoming Tour Week 🙂 Also this is one of the participants for Doors Open 2008. Doors Open is occurring on Sunday September 28th, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Make sure you mark your calendars. Download a copy of the 2008 Doors Open Brochure by clicking here. Originally St. Paul’s Church, the building became available when due to a shrinking…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Medical Arts - Part II

An exterior view as it looks today. A view of the front entrance. Touches of the craze of the times are visible in the Egyptian Revival elements over the front entrance way. When first built there was no door at this entrance. The wood doors just inside the vestibule was…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Huron Lodge - 1960-2007

Here’s a tour I’ve had on my hard drive for a while. I’ve been meaning to post this one for a while, but haven’t been able to find the time to sort though all the photos. This week will be tour week, as I clear though my hard drive and post some photos, I’ve been meaning to for a while. When I was preparing for my exhibition last fall at the Art Gallery of Windsor, I…
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Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Best Roofing

This building at the end of Aylmer at Riverside Dr. has always caught my eye. (excuse the old photo, but it is after labour day now… It’s coming :)) I think I always liked the painted sign over the door. Going through the microfilm at the library, I came across…