Photo Du JourWindsor

Windsor From Above

Doors open, was nice this past weekend. I’ll cover some I the sites I got to visit later in the week. Today, however are a few shots of Windsor taken from the 14th floors of the CIBC building, home to the Windsor Club. Excuse the glare on some of the photos, those are from the chairs in the restaurant… Dieppe Park and the Bistro by the river, home of the fug beacon. Who knew our…
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Doors Open 2008

Just a quick reminder about Doors Open this Sunday. The following 23 sites will be open on Sunday FREE of charge for tours: All Saints’ Anglican Church 330 City Hall Square West All Saints’ Anglican Church originated in 1852 as a mission of St. John’s…
Photo Du JourStuccoWindsor

Stucco Friday

Today’s entry was sent in by regular reader Urbanrat. His email to me read as follows: I know how much you love stucco! I found this stucco palace at 809 Bruce. The house is vacant, it must be the place the stucco boys of Windsor apprenticed! The last photograph is of…
Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Waddell's - The Wonderland of Televisions and Appliances

The other week in the comments, reader JAYPEE asked: Any chance you have any info on a place called Wadell’s which was located on University Ave. at the corner of Janette [EDIT] Cameron. They used to sell appliances and electronics. Here you are JAYPEE. I’m not sure about the timelines for this business, the photos on this page are from the Windsor Star in December 1952. What I do…
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Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

C.H. McInnis

Here’s another then and now left over from the other week… 1952 2008 This one is located on Walker Road, just north of Tecumseh Road. Look at the front window, probably one of the few times, that glass block was removed and replaced with windows, as opposed to…
Old AdsOld PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Downtown Chevrolet Oldsmobile

The photo above is from 1929, and shows the new garage of Easton-Edwards Chevrolet. The description said it was on Goyeau near Tuscarora. I always thought it was an interesting looking place, and wondered what happened to it. Then in a newspaper from 1952, I stumbled across an ad from Downtown Chev Olds. The photo, gives us a better view of the building and an address! You can see the building…
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Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Waffle's Electric

From 1952: A similar view today. Waffle’s just sold the building in the last couple of months, and has moved on. Interesting to note on the Fire Insurance Map from 1937, it shows the business as Moncur-Waffle. Moncur’s is still in business today, on Eugenie. A…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Local Amenities

At the last Windsor-Essex Blogger Meeting, there was an idea to make a post today about your neighbourhood, and its amenities or lack there of. You could post about something your neighbourhood has, that you like, or something that you wish you had that you…