Old AdsOld PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Downtown Chevrolet Oldsmobile

The photo above is from 1929, and shows the new garage of Easton-Edwards Chevrolet. The description said it was on Goyeau near Tuscarora. I always thought it was an interesting looking place, and wondered what happened to it.

Then in a newspaper from 1952, I stumbled across an ad from Downtown Chev Olds.

The photo, gives us a better view of the building and an address!

You can see the building noted above in the aerial photograph from 1961. Looking at the building in this view, you can see that like many old urban dealerships, the roof was used as a car lot.

This 1937 map, gives a good idea of the layout of the building.

Here is the site today.

If you visit the site, or even look at it in Google Earth, so can clearly see where the building stood, by the layout of the smaller skinnier parking lot on the site.

It’s a shame we lost that one…

PS -> Don’t forget doors open next Sunday!

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