Lost WindsorOld PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Crawford Roundhouse Demolition

A big thank you goes out to Ian Deck, a regular reader and commenter on this site, for passing along these photos and allowing me to post them. He took these photos the evening of June 15, 2010, as demolition started on the remains of Crawford Yard roundhouse. Sad to see more of Windsor’s rail history disappear…. Photo from the John Stefani Collection Above is a picture of the…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Downtown Windsor - 1987

Up today is another old press photo, this one newer and the first one in colour. This shot taken Jan. 3, 1987 is looking north towards Detroit. A nice view of the old Epps Facade… The Bank at Ouellette and University was still open, and sporting the Bank of Commerce…
Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Men Who Designed Windsor - Albert McPhail

From the Windsor Star, December 13, 1961: ALBERT H. MCPHAIL ARCHITECT, 73, DIES Albert Harold (Bert) McPhail, 73, architect for several of Windsor’s most prominent downtown business and office buildings and a resident of this city for the past 46 years, died Tuesday at Metropolitan General Hospital following an illness of several months. Mr. McPhail was born in Bruce Mines, Ontario, but…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Downtown From Above - 1982

Another Friday, another old Press Photo… again today from the archives of the Detroit News, shot by staff photographer “Porter” July 20, 1982, a nice aerial photo of the two downtowns of Windsor and Detroit. Interesting to note the area visible in this…
Old PhotographsScott Hughes CollectionWindsor

Around Town...

Long time reader Scott Hughes has dug up a few more photos from his massive personal archives, and passed them along for everyone to enjoy. First up a few shots from 2002 of the old N&D sign at Grand Marais & Dominion, and the sign when it was all still lit up… Going back a little further to 1996, there are also a few shots of the old Michigan Central Station we’ve looked…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

West End Windsor - 1930

Another Friday, and another old photo… This one like the one form the other week was shot on July 12, 1930. Today’s shot is looking west from the air, and shows, just how slow the westside of Windsor was to grow. This area of town, was full of property…