Downtown Windsor - 1982
June 29, 2012
This photo and letter to the editor ran in Detroit Free Press in 1982. 30 years ago, that’s hard to believe!
Above is the actual photo that was used with the letter to the editor.
A detail shot of the east side of Ouellette. Just south of the CIBC building, I…
500 Ways You Know You're From Windsor
June 27, 2012
Our friends at Walkerville Publishing have released their new book “500 Ways you know you’re from Windsor”
Below are a couple of sample pages, more can been seen at the link listed above.
A captivating new book about The Baby Boomer Years (post WWII) in…
CN 5570 - Late 1930's
June 8, 2012
Harry Taylor Collection, photo by Walter Taylor
Today’s photo comes to up via county train historian Tim Swaddling. Tim says the photo is from Harry Taylor’s collection. The photo was taken by Harry’s father, Walter Taylor. The exact date is unknown, but it would likely be late 1930’s / early 1940’s.
The scene is looking northwest towards the river up the CNR /…
Mario's Of Windsor - 1973
June 1, 2012
Happy Friday everyone, and Happy June! Sheesh, 2012 is almost half over already…
Today’s photo is dated April 12, 1973, and show’s Mario’s of Windsor, later Bentely’s at 755 Ouellette. My informations shows the building as being built in 1948…
Prime Minister's Visit - 1963
May 25, 2012
A UPI Telephoto – dated March 6, 1963
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker helps Mrs. Diefenbaker down train steps upon arrival here 3/6. Prime Minister Diefenbaker campaigned in the Windsor, Ont., industrial area. The latest chapter in the nuclear controversy that…
Ambassador Bridge - 1940's
April 13, 2012
To be fair since we looked at the Tunnel in the last post, from the same series of images, here’s a look at the bridge.
Regional cooperation was evident by the “Welcome to Canada” billboard touting Essex County. Funny how much changes in a half century.
Tunnel Entrance - 1940's
April 11, 2012
A neat old photo of the tunnel entrance from the 1940’s. I’m certain someone out there will be able to help narrow down the date based on the car.
What a long way the tunnel has come, from the early days, to the giant remodel of the 1990’s, with more…