Lost WindsorOld PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Peabody Building - Riverside & Chilver - 1983/1984

Today’s photos come via Tim Swaddling, long time reader, and host of the Train Slide Shows. These photos were shot by Matthew Kulbacki, and he’s been kind enough to share them with us. Photo © Matthew Kulbacki A shot looking east on Riverside Drive from the corner of Chilver. The Peabody Bridge in on the left, and the Peabody Building straight ahead. The Peabody building was…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Devonshire Road - c. 1912

Again from the Library of Congress/Detroit Publishing Co. collection, today is a view of Devonshire Road looking north from about 1912. The Bank of Commerce on the left hand side was designed by Albert Kahn, and built in 1906. As always it’s the details. A nice view…
Great Lakes BoatsLost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Walkerville Ferry Dock - c. 1905

Today’s photo is from the Library of Congress collection. This shows the Ferry dock that was just at the foot of Devonshire, and the park just to the west. Roughly the area is where the large white silos are found today. I’m thinking these might be the customs offices? A nice shot of the Ariel. The Detroit – Walkerville ferry. It was in service from 1882 – 1922. Once it…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Riverside Drive - c. 1910

From the Library of Congress site, comes this view of the Walker’s Distillery office. The pergola in the foreground was demolished in the early 1920’s when the offices on the west half of the property were built. Interesting to note the cobblestone street, and…
Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Canadian Bridge Company - 1916

Happy Friday once again! Today’s photos are submitted by regular reader Ken Taylor. The photos looks to be from WWI, and it looks like the Canadian Bridge Company contributed to the war effort. Looks like this room was given over to manufacturing shells. This one has a caption on the front. It reads: “Shell Shop C.B.Co Pl #2 1916”. Here’s another shot looking in the…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Ford Motor Company of Canada - 1914

Today’s old photo comes from the Detroit Publishing Co. collection housed by the Library of Congress. The caption calls it June 4, 1914, but given that ice in the river, I would disagree with the date. It’s a neat photo, as the old Walkerville Wagon Works…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Ouellette Avenue - 1965

Happy Friday the 13th! Today’s old photo is dated March 23, 1965 and bears a Detroit Free Press stamp on the back. The caption reads: Windsor Mayor John Wheelton is beaming these days as he looks over his bustling town. There is $25 million worth of building going on…