This shot above appeared in the Windsor Daily Star, December 31, 1936 in a recap of the new prominent houses built in the last year. The house on the east side of Gladstone was built by Frank N Isbey, of Michigan. Isbey was the head of the Michigan State Fair, and it appears that he never lived in the house.
The house was owned and occupied by Frank & Mary Postill. Mary Postill (nee Robertson) was the sister of Frank N Isbey’s wife. So there was some family connected between the Postill’s & Isbey’s. Frank worked at Ford, having been born in Petrolia, he moved to Windsor in 1910, and he passed away suddenly, February 1, 1955 at his home. His widow Mary remained in the house until 1963, when it left the family. Mary passed away November 22, 1976 at Met Hospital.

In what is a Windsor rarity, the house remains virtually unchanged and is well maintained. It’s nice to come across these ones every once in a while.