Old Photographs

The Capitol Theatre – 1927

The Capitol Theatre in Downtown Windsor recently celebrated its 100th anniversary. Designed by Thomas W. Lamb of New York, the theatre originally opened under the Lowe’s name in December, 1920. Lamb was prolific in his work, designing over 25 theatres across Canada, along with hundreds more in the USA.

After a few years the name changed from Loew’s Theatre to the Capitol Theatre as we know it today. It almost wasn’t here for us to enjoy today. Famous Players, split up the main auditorium into a couple of theatres, so that the theatre could compete against the multiplexes that were popping up. After the theatre closed in 1989, it was purchased by developer Chuck Mady.

In late 1990 Mady Development Corp announced that the building had “no particular architectural significance”, and that they planned to demolish the theatre for a parking lot.

Luckily the theatre was saved and it lives on as an important historic arts hub for the film festival and the symphony.

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