While today it’s just though of as part of the Remington Park neighbourhood, when first laid out and subdivided in 1925, the northern end of the neighbourhood by the tracks was known as Pacific Park. This new subdivision had some subtle and non so subtle racist undertones however. This full page ad above notes several times that “English speaking people” would be your neighbours here.

“The Florida of Windsor” beckons you to come live with “100% English Speaking” people.

This ad from a few weeks later, changes its tune a bit, talking about living with “100% English & French speaking neighbours”. The Francophones must have taken offense and the agent explained to them, that the French weren’t the issue… Further down this ad, it comes out much clearer:
“We have pledged ourself to the people who have bought here to enforce the restrictions on this valuable property – that is, you must be white inside as well as out.“
To see that in print is mind blowing, especially on something less than 100 years old….
Is there any other racist history of Windsor that needs to be brought to light?
One of my favourite quotes. “Your investment will double or treble (sic) in value.” For a developer who is awfully concerned about the residents speaking English, whoever wrote these ads certainly didn’t have a very good grasp of the English language!! hehe
“Treble” is the british version of “triple”.
“There is no catch to it, this is an honest four-square proposition, …”
Relects the attitude of real estate agents over the past couple years across Windsor / Surrounding areas. Don’t worry, trust us that home prices will continue to just keep going up – in two years you’ll view this as a deal.