Old AdsSubdivisions

Pacific Park Subdivision - 1925

While today it’s just though of as part of the Remington Park neighbourhood, when first laid out and subdivided in 1925, the northern end of the neighbourhood by the tracks was known as Pacific Park. This new subdivision had some subtle and non so subtle racist undertones however. This full page ad above notes several times that “English speaking people” would be your neighbours…
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Old Ads

Reaume Community Centre Subdivsion - 1924

Ad from 1924 The early 1920s were boom years in the Border Cities, with land to the east of the city of Windsor being the big movers. The Reaume Organization was one of the larger land developers in the area. Ulysses Guy Reaume, was the mayor of Ford City, eventually the…
Old Ads

2031 Vimy Ave

Ad from 1929 Harley Kerr was a prominent building and developer in South Walkerville in the pre-depression days. In fact it seems he built and designed most of the block of Vimy between Kildare & Byng. The house above in the ad was then 71 Vimy. It looks like today…
Old Ads

Memorial Park Subdivision - 1925

While trying to discover some information behind the old restroom building in Memorial Park, I came across a few old advertisements for the neighbourhood from 1925, when it was first being laid out. Memorial Park Comfort Station – c. 1926Memorial Park Gates I wasn’t able to discover anything about the restroom building. The city was planning to demolish and replace it at least 5…
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MapsOld Ads

Clinton Park Subdivision 1913

The early years of development of the city in the boom years before WWI saw parcels of the city being purchased and subdivided to meet the growing need for new residential areas in the Border Cities. One of these subdivisions was the Clinton Subdivision. Encompassing the…