Old Photographs

Royal Vist – 1951

With the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II last week, much was made of her previous visits to Windsor. Before she took the throne, when she was simply Princess Elizabeth, she paid a visit to Windsor in October, 1951.

The future Queen and Prince Philip visited Windsor as a stop on their Royal tour in October, 1951. They arrived by Train disembarking at the Ford Siding near the river. The then toured the Ford of Canada Plant 2 & Plant 4. From there they went to the Ford Test Track for a brief reception and presentation. From there, a motor tour through the city, stopping downtown at the waterfront Government Dock occurred for another reception. From the Dock, the couple next visited Assumption College. Following that stop a drive by salute of some military sites without a stop occurred, with a drive-by of the HMCS Hunter on Ouellette & Erie, the Cenotaph, then at Ouellette & Gilles, followed by the Boer War memorial (with veterans) in Jackson Park. A small ceremony occurred at Jackson Park , with a speech by Her Majesty, followed by a drive-by of the Chrysler factory and on to the Airport, where the Prince and Princess departed by air.

The photo above shows the Royal motorcade turning north onto Ouellette Avenue from Wyandotte Street.

The photo shown above was taken by Detroit Free Press photographer Tom Venaleek, and ran on Page 10 of the Free Press as shown above on October 16, 1951.

Do you have any fond memories of past Royal visits?

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