A view today from the old Town of Riverside, taken May 1, 1958. This shot is looking east along Wyandotte Street East, towards the intersection of Lauzon Road. Looks much less busy than that intersection does today. There’s still a gas station on the south east corner, and there’s Fresh Co in place of the Dominion Store today. Always love looking at the old photographs.
Having both traffic lights and stop signs must have made for a confusing intersection;
I though the same thing! Very strange layout.
I think the traffic lights were just being put in at the time of this photo. The Dominion had just been built and Wyandotte wasn’t even a serious street past the Dominion as of 1956. The other two corners, by the way, were occupied by the Lauzon Stop House (NW, now the Lions Head Tavern) and a Supertest gas station (SW).