The other day I was downtown and I noticed a flurry of work at the old Windsor Utilities Office at the north west corner of Ouellette & Elliott. The building was sold and is under renovation by the new owners Tessonics Inc.
One of the projects underway is the removal of the hideous metal awning that runs around the façade for no good reason. I recently came across an article from August 1964 when the thing was installed… Kudos to Tessonics for removing it.

Lighting Their Job
The Windsor Utilities Commission has always been one of its own best customers. The commission is currently installing a metal canopy on the east and south sides of its main office building on Ouellette Ave., behind which will be mounted a series of powerful floodlights to illuminate the Ouellette Ave. and Elliott St. W. sides of the building at night. The canopy will be faced with attractive material which will blend harmoniously with the rest of the building. J. E. Teckoe, WUC general-manager, said the installation will be completed within the next few weeks. Here, workmen finish steelwork for the canopy on the Ouellette Ave. side of the building.