Lost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesWindsor

British American Brewery – 1935

From the Windsor Daily Star – December, 1935:

    As the Detroit shoreline is broken by the nocturnal shafts of huge electrical signs of large industrial plants, so is that of the Canadian side pierced by blazing beacons of artistic illumination. The products of many of Windsor’s larger industries are emphasized by mammoth electric signs, which create an imposing background of night lights of singular beauty and attractiveness.The imposing industrial plant of the British-American Brewery occupies an area one block square fronting Sandwich from Bruce to River Street and Sandwich to Pitt Street. On the Sandwich street side fronting the Detroit river a large electric sign blazes forth the name of this concern and its products. Malt products from Ontario-grown barley and grain, consumed in this industry, materially contribute towards the welfare of the agricultural section of the province. This plan is the largest of its kind in this area, and one of the major brewing concerns in the Province of Ontario.

Above is the 1935 Fire Insurance Map. The east side of the brewery was bounded by River avenue, that street is now long gone.

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