Old Newspaper StoriesWindsor

Border City Storage

From the Windsor Daily Star December, 1935:

    Above is one of Windsor’s mammoth industries, whose products enjoy demand throughout Canada and the entire world. The plant of the Sterling Products, Limited, situated at Elliot Street West, exemplifies the diversified nature of Windsor’s manufacturing industry. In its model daylight plant a large staff is engaged the year around, in the preparation of such well known products as Aspirin, Fletcher’s Castoria, Philips’ Milk of Magnesia, Dr. Lyon’s Tooth Powder, Cascarets, Watkins’ Mulsified Cocoanut Oil, Glostora, Andrews’ Liver Salts, Danderine, Diamond Dyes, Z.B.T. Olive Oil Baby Powder and many other famous pharmaceutical preparations, which products are manufactured and distributed throughout the whole Dominion. Among its principal preparations are many familiar to at least two generations of families who have recognized, by preference, the excellence of these products for household use.

The factory is still there on Elliot Street West just west of Crawford. These photos were taken back in 2003.

Sadly most of those old windows were filled in…

There’s an ancient old barn at the rear of the property. Not sure what the story is here, but this barn has to be much older than the main building.

A view of the factory from the property to the north.

I took a look at streetview since my photos are nearly a decade old, and it looks like it’s had the silver treatment too….

Hopefully this building stays sanding for a long time, certainly a part of our industrial history.

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