Old PhotographsWindsor

They’ll Roll No More – 1970

This one ran in the Free Press, September 30, 1970, and was taken inside the old Michigan/New York/Penn Central Railroad Station that was located near Crawford & Tecumseh.

The caption that ran with this photo in the newspaper read as follows:

    Back in 1929 the trains used to run twice an hour 24 hours a day, from the Penn Central station in Windsor. Now they only leave four times a day, and after Wednesday they won’t leave at all.

    Staffed now by only three men – a baggage master, a station operator and a watchman – the station ships mostly freight as its passenger cars are almost always empty.

    Penn Central, which has filed for bankruptcy, is closing the station for passenger business Wednesday because it doesn’t make money. It marks another step nearer the end of a transportation dating back to the golden days of the West.

    Free Press Photos by JOE LIPPINCOTT

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