Old PhotographsWindsor

St Clare – 1931

Another week in the bag. Friday once again, brings us another old photo. Today’s photo is dated June 11, 1931, and features St. Clare’s church at Tecumseh and Victoria. Designed by Albert Lothian, St. Clare’s is Windsor’s only art deco church, and arguably Lothian’s masterpiece.

This photo shows the original front doors, which have since been replaced. Note the bricks and pieces of wood holding the front doors open. This photo was shot during construction, the church was nearing completion, but not yet done. The light over the front door isn’t installed yet either.

Now home to St. Peter’s Maronite, this one was planned for demolition during the great church purge in the 1990’s. Thank goodness that St. Peter’s needed a new home. Otherwise this may have been a photo in the “Lost Windsor” category.

Have good holiday weekend. Happy holidays to everyone, whatever it is that you celebrate. Be safe, and enjoy the time with your families.

Posting will continue as normal next week, however next Friday is the 31st. So rather than an old photo, the annual year in review post will be up instead. See everyone back here Monday!


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