DemolitionLost WindsorWindsor

2720 Grand Marais

A few of the places lost in the DRIC demolition that I’ve been meaning to post about for while now. Someone added it to the “future topics” on the right, when the death fences went up in August. I drove past the site the other week, and can confirm that she’s long gone.

This big old buff brick beauty was built around 1927-28 as part of the speculative boom of South Windsor.

There are small pockets of model homes around various places in South Windsor, that were all erected as the first parts of huge planned communities. With St. Mary’s Academy being built, and the new Ambassador Bridge, combined with the projected industrial growth over in Ojibway, this part of town was supposed to boom. That is until the depression came along. As it stand only a small handful of homes were ever built, and with DRIC coming through, today there’s one less.

Located west of the house above is another DRICtim. The old King Kone, is now also no more.

I have no additional information on the history of this place, but I am going to assume by the construction that it is of a similar vintage, likely an old gas station. Can anyone remember what is was before it was the King Kone?

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