DemolitionLost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesWindsor

The End Of Bruce Baptist Church

From the Windsor Daily Star August 26, 1949:

    One of the city’s familiar landmarks has disappeared with the demolition of the tower of the former Bruce Avenue Baptist Church to make way for the new Bethel Pentecostal Church at London Street West and Bruce Avenue. On the new foundation a basement church already in use. The superstructure of the new building, when it is completed, will be another important adornment for the site which has been devoted to church work since the early 1880’s. Above is a view of the tower during the last days of its demolition this month (Star Staff Photo)

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Bruce Avenue Baptist Church moved to Victoria, and built the Temple Baptist Church in the mid 1920’s. That is today the Downtown Mission. The Bethel Pentecostal group rented the Bruce Avenue site for many years before buying it from the Baptists. They then demolished the old Church and built the new one in 1949. Along came arena expropriation, and the site is today a parking lot.

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