Old PhotographsWindsor

Equity Chambers – Part II

* Note this post is a follow up to another post from March, 2008.

The building that was sitting vacant following the closure of Ye Olde Steakhouse in the post from March, 2008, has been reborn as the Pour House Pub. I also managed to dig up some information about the conversion.

A news blurb ran in the Border Cities Star, in June 1924:



Purchase of the Grinnell piano factory on Chatham Street West by the legal firm of Fleming, Drake and Foster, who will renovate it and fit the buildings up for up-to-date business offices was announced late this afternoon.

The factory is three stories in height and 92 by 50 feet in size. It adjoins the government immigration office.

“We propose to renovate the building and fix it up for office purposes” said O.E. Fleming, K.C.’ senior member of the firm. “Our own firm will occupy a large portion of the structure, but there will be some space for rent.”

Nichols, Sheppard and Mason, architects, have been instructed to prepare the alteration plans, which will call for a handsome new front among other changes.

Oscar E. Fleming was the last mayor of the Town of Windsor in 1891 and was the first mayor of the City of Windsor, serving two terms in 1892 & 1893.

Above is a historic photo of the building, probably from shortly after the renovation. This photo appeared in the Michael Gladstone White book “Windsor a Moment in Time”. Sadly none of his books ever credit the source of the photograph, however I believe this one comes from the Municipal Archives.

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