Old PhotographsWindsor

Security Building Then and Now + Post 1000!

Before today’s post gets underway, I just noticed that this is post # 1000. 🙂

Today’s post features the Security Building at the north west corner of Pelissier and University in downtown Windosr. Built in 1927, it is seen here in a preliminary rendering from the architects Pennington & Boyde from late 1926. Interesting to note the Kennedy Building that I featured a few weeks ago, is seen in its shorter state, before the expansion of 1927.

Here is a shot of the Security Building today. It is one of my favourite buildings downtown. It’s a classic, and it’s survived many of the renovations to the lower floors that many buildings had in the 1960’s & 1970’s, that involved either metal siding or that hideous stone covering…

Photo404 had a photo a while back that showed the original storefronts that survived at least until 1984-85…

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Recent Comments:

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