
Thursdays Live!

Don’t forget that Thursdays Live continues tomorrow night.

As well as taking place in Walkerville, don’t forget that it is also taking place in the Pillette Village BIA as well.

I was asked to pass along a message from Magpie Antiques, (disclaimer – I did their website) that they are holding a “Fabulous Vintage & Antiques Street Fair”

Taking it to the Street!

Join Magpie and Tango for our Fabulous Vintage & Antiques Street Fair!
Thursday June 25th. all day till 9:00pm (weather permitting)

Several guest vendors will line the street with fantastic vintage items at affordable prices!…Enjoy listening to great music and sipping refreshments while watching our fabulous models stroll the street in too cool vintage attire!

Selected in store items 20-50% off!

So while you’re out spreading love to our local businesses Thursday, don’t forget about the Pillette Village too. 😉

Check it out, it could be interesting.

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