Essex CountyOld Ads

Real Estate For Sale – 1925 Style

Does anyone out there Recognize this house in/near Amherstburg? I need some County help today… 🙂

From “The Detroiter” (the publication of the Detroit Chamber of Commerce), May 18, 1925:


This property which is suitable for a summer or year round home or for a clubhouse, is situated on the Canadian shore of the Detroit River, facing Bob-Lo Island steamboat landing, on Sunset Drive, below Amherstburg – one of the very finest locations on the whole river.

The property consists of a 14 room fieldstone and shingle residence on a lot having a river frontage of 167 1/2 ft. and a depth of 340 ft. with water lot to channel bank.

Fruit and shade trees, sandy beach, boating, bathing, fishing, electricity, purified city water, hot water heat, garden, country taxes, etc. The commerce of the Great Lakes passes within a stone’s throw of the beach, and presents an ever interesting and ever-changing panorama. One hour from Windsor ferry by auto, electric railway or speedboat.

This frontage will probably double or triple in value within a few years if the Detroit-Windsor bridge is built.

Does the house look familiar to anyone? Is it still standing? There must have been some renaming over the years as I can’t find a Sunset Drive in Amherstburg. Anyone got any ideas?

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