
News & Notes for the weekend

smalllogo As we get ready to roll into the weekend, there are a few things I wanted to pass along. So no photo today, just boring news and stuff….


CJAM is currently applying for an amendment to our broadcasting undertaking to assume a new signal at 99.1 FM. While CJAM has been broadcasting at about 1000 watts for over 10 years, the station was never granted “Protected Status” from the CRTC, thanks to pressures from the FCC who were concerned with CJAM’s level of interference with adjacent American stations. Without “Protected Status”, CJAM faces the risk of losing its signal to other applicants. In fact, CJAM faced that very risk recently when the CBC decided to apply for 91.5 in the fall of 2008. The CBC ultimately withdrew its application, but CJAM still faces possible removal from the FM band thanks to a pending American application for our signal.

CJAM has identified a new signal – 99.1 FM – that could afford the station protected status and has moved forward with applications for this new signal to Industry Canada and the CRTC. The application currently before the CRTC is now open for public comment, and this is where we need you, our community of listeners, programmers and volunteers to make your voice heard. If you value CJAM and community radio in Windsor and Detroit, please express your support of our application.

CJAM needs you to contact the CRTC personally and let them know how much CJAM means to you! The deadline for submissions is March 9th, 2009.

Letters may be submitted electronically at the CRTC website , by fax at 819-994-0218, or by conventional mail to the following address: CRTC Ottawa Ontario K1A 0N2.

If you have any further questions or concerns please contact Station Manager Adam Fox directly at 519-253-3000 ex. 2525 or by email at

Windsor, Ontario
Application No. 2008-1715-8
Application by Student Media, University of Windsor relating to the licence of the English-language community-based campus radio programming CJAM-FM Windsor, Ontario.
The licensee proposes to amend the licence of CJAM-FM by changing the authorized frequency from 91.5 MHz to 99.1 MHz, the channel from 218LP to 256 Class A and by decreasing the maximum average radiated power from 914 watts to 456 watts. Further, the antenna pattern will change from directional to omni-directional. All other technical parameters remain unchanged.
The applicant wishes to change the class of the station from a unprotected low power to a protected Class A station.
Following protracted negotiations between the Department of Industry and the FCC, Student Media was permitted to operate CJAM-FM with parameters that fall into those of a class A station, but retaining the unprotected status of a low power FM station.
Licensee’s address:

401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, Ontario
N9B 3P4
Fax: 519-971-3606
Examination of application:

At the licensee’s address

Help save our community based radio station.


Phog Lounge in Downtown Windsor has been selected as one of the top 10 live venues in Canada in a CBC Radio3 online poll.

The top ten finalists are:

Aeolian Hall, London, ON
Amigo’s Cantina, Saskatoon, SK
Baba’s Lounge, Charlottetown, PE
Call The Office, London, ON
The Capital Bar, Fredericton, NB
George’s Fabulous Roadhouse, Sackville, NB
The Grad Club, Kingston, ON
The Phog Lounge, Windsor, ON
The Starlight Social Club, Waterloo, ON
Zaphod Beeblebrox, Ottawa, ON

Like with the blog awards, it would be great for Windsor to take another national award. You can vote, but only once per day. You have to register to vote, but it takes all of 10 seconds, and it’s quick and easy.

Help bring more recognition home to Windsor.


Finally last night’s Pecha Kucha event was awesome.

The presentations from Mita Williams, Justin Langlois, Pina Ciotoli and Adriano Ciotoli, Tom Lucier, Rod Strickland and even mine, were all a blast.

Tom had someone record all the presentations, and once it’s online, I’ll post a copy of the talk here.

A big thanks goes out to Jodi Green for setting this event up.

See you back here Monday, as we return to regular posting.

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