Photo Du JourWindsor

Downtown Windsor – Part II

We start today’s tour along University Avenue East at what I like to refer to as the trifecta of vacancy.

Closed & vacant former Bus Station

Closed & vacant former Top Hat Nightclub

Closed & vacant former Windsor Armouries. The only decent plan for this building I’ve heard since it closed is conversion to use as concert hall. Hopefully the W.S.O. can find avenues of funding for the project.

The vacancy cancer has spread to the adjoining building. This one located west of the Bus Station, has the right and middle units empty and for lease.

Hopping across Ouellette to University Avenue West, things are much better. The Bartlett building houses Milk and the very excellent Marathon Ethiopian Restaurant. Check either or both of them out and support your local businesses.

A look at the awesome new streetscaping. From what I can see the only main difference is the installation of bike posts, and the replacement of the brick planters and lamp posts with concrete ones. Mmmm… Cold, harsh, concrete.

The new main business of Ouellette Ave. Shawarmas. 🙂 This block of Ouellette has hands down some of the worst renovations and “modernizations”. It was like an architectural slaughter took place on this block.


Fugly. Good luck renting out the upper floors. After all everyone hates windows and natural light. Howver it’s nice to see a fully rented retail strip. A Men’s shop and some quality restaurants.

Turek’s Camera Shop, farewell to another longtime downtown retailer. I’m sure that one will stay vacant for a long time. Hopefully the renovation for the next tenant will involve the removal of the fugly corrugated metal siding.

Some moron thought that putting a brick veneer on the facade of the limestone clad building was a good idea. Nothing like making a half-hearted attempt at being architecturally sensitive to the existing structure.

Besides the fact that it’s about 7 feet wide, I can’t image that beautiful facade helps with occupancy.

More craptastic stucco. As you can see by the top, the building was once a nice brick building.

More crappy stucco. Also vacant. Hope the next tenant makes pizza otherwise get out your chisels. This type of cladding looks cheap and aesthetically ugly. How people can willingly apply this material to a structure is beyond me.

The granddaddy of the all, possibly the ugliest building on all of Ouellette: 1986’s Palace Building.

The tour continues tomorrow…

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