
Harrison Memorial Church - 810 Mercer

One thing that I always find interesting about the old part of the city is the amount of small neighbourhood churches. Harrison Memorial Church at Cataraqui and Mercer is once such church. The cornerstone on this building reads “Ontario Church of God in Christ – 1965”. It’s funny how the small neighbourhood churches are still filled by their communities, while the big…
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going, going, gone...Windsor

Erie & Goyeau

Anyone know what’s going on with the commercial block on the south east corner of Erie and Goyeau? Long time tenants Dak’s Flowers moved out to a new location, and now all the crappy cladding has been stripped from the ground floor. There are signs in the…

Interesting Graffiti

I’m always amazed that there isn’t more interesting or clever graffiti around town. Most of it is just tags. Everyone once in a while you see something a little bit different. I’ve been a fan of this one on McDougall for a while now, and finally got around to getting a picture of it. When the empty bins are stacked up, the baby pops out of the bin, and it makes me smile every…
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going, going, gone...Windsor

McDougall Avenue Foundry - Follow Up

Back in September, 2012 we took a look at this place over on McDougall Avenue. Slowly over the last few months the place has slowly started to get stripped down. I’m not sure what the future holds, but it sure looks like this one is going to be one for the history…

Chry Moto Club - 2330 McDougall Avenue

The Chry Moto club on McDougall, across from Windsor Stadium is so named for the Chrysler Motors factory that once stood a few blocks north at McDougall and Tecumseh Road. I once heard a story, I don’t remember where or from who, but they told me that this building is actually the old clubhouse from the old Windsor Jockey Club (Horse Track) that once stood where Kennedy and Jackson Park are…
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Lost WindsorPostcardsWindsor

Wyandotte and Ouellette - c. 1965

A neat view of Ouellette Avenue looking north towards Wyandotte street, from about the mid 1960’s. This corner is my favourite part of the card. The Johnson & McWhinnie designed Bank of Montreal Building, that was sadly reclad in the mid 1990’s, but beyond…