Bernie Drouillard CollectionEssex CountyNewsOld PhotographsWindsor

Historic Train Slideshow – Number 12

OK IM fans, the July slide show is the show for you… The show Saturday July 6, is going to feature a joint presentation between myself and the legendary Bernie Drouillard. A good time will be had by all. Don’t miss out.

    Saturday, July 6th, 7.30pm – Action Hobbies hosts Historical Train Slide Show #12

    Free admission!

    We’re very pleased to announce the next slide show event – this time in conjunction with another, far more famous blog – the great

    Historical Train Slide Show #12 will be a different kind of slide show – presented by both AHK and, the show features two presenters –’s Andrew Foot and his good friend and occasional research partner Bernie Drouillard. The show will also be slightly different than the usual rail fare content of previous shows. This presentation will include rail, but look at the industries serviced by rail through the years, buildings and structures, interurban transit and the “post-rail” era of transportation and industry in the region, including buses, trucks and glimpses at some of the surviving structures still standing (or that were recently standing). Sure to interest any modeller interested in building scenes and anyone interested in local history, this show will have a little bit of everything for everyone.

    Both Windsor residents, Andrew and Bernie have collaborated in the past on the acclaimed Art Gallery of Windsor exhibition “Electric Avenue: Historic Streetcars of Windsor“. Foot curated the show that included additional contributions from John Stefani, Ron Drouillard, Chris Holt and Darren Bonnici.

    Andrew’s award winning is widely regarded as an essential photo blog in the Detroit / Windsor / Essex region. For over 10 years, International Metropolis has been bringing the history of the Windsor-Detroit area to light and to the forefront. The blog covers a wide array of history of the region, stemming from the architectural basis of the blog to extended branch topics including transportation, transit, city planning, maps, industrial and economic history and much more that chronicle the changing face of Windsor-Detroit for better or for worse over the passing of time. The site also has a healthy readership and features lively discussions of the topics presented by each posting. In 2007, Andrew’s photography exhibit, “High Hopes – Modern Architecture in Windsor 1940 – 1970”. The exhibit was followed by the publication of a book, “Windsor Modern – A Guide to Modern Architecture in Windsor 1940 – 1970”.

    Bernie is highly regarded as the pre-eminent authority on the history of Windsor-Essex’s two interurban lines, the Windsor Essex & Lake Shore and the Sandwich Windsor & Amherstburg. In addition to that, Bernie is also known for his expertise in the history of buses and truck transportation in Canada. Bernie is currently working on a book detailing the operational history of interurbans in the area that is planned to be published in the near future. Bernie has made various contributions to over the years, both in terms of content and reference material. Bernie and Andrew’s contributions to the AGW’s “Electric Avenue” exhibition helped propel Windsor’s unique streetcar history in the the modern public discourse.

    The 2 hour presentation will be a digital projection with a 15 minute intermission half way through the programme. Complimentary snacks will be available along with a pay-as-you-go soda pop vending machine. Seating is restricted to 100, so arrive early to claim your preferred seating.

    An interview with Andrew and Bernie will be posted to the blog in the coming weeks.

    Find out more about International Metropolis on the IM blog here:

    Attached is the poster for the event, suitable for printing. Please forward this along to anyone who might be interested.

    Limited seating available – arrive early!

    Slides spanning decades • Digital presentation

    Extended store hours – 10% off all model train products during the extended shop hours, 6pm – 9pm / close.

    Call Action Hobbies at (519) 733-2619 for additional information.

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