Mystery Building - 1915
February 28, 2014
This building was included in an album of photos of Windsor and Walkerville and was dated 1915. Unfortunately there zero info with the photographs, and while I looked for year, I have yet to find out what or where this building was.
So, take a look at this mysterious…
Merchant's Bank - 1920
February 26, 2014
A look today at the south east corner of Ouellette and Chatham today. Standing on the corner is the Merchant’s Bank of Canada building. To the left of the bank building is the Vital Ouellette house, still standing, but well hidden. It used to sit on the corner but was…
Calendar Clearout Sale
February 24, 2014
Happy Monday everyone! Hope everyone had a golden weekend.
To celebrate the end of the Olympics, and to clear out some stock that’s recently been returned from the retail venues that were selling the calendar, over in the store, the 2014 IM calendars are being sold at more that 50% off. Pick one up today if you haven’t got one yet, for the low, low price of $7.35.
Also if…
Ouellette Avenue Rose Garden - c 1933
February 21, 2014
From the same tourist brochure is the photo above. The caption reads:
Rose Gardens, Ouellette Avenue, Windsor
This shot is taken along Ouellette Avenue in front of what was then an open lot to the Tunnel. This site has since been replaced with the Holiday Inn.
Have a great…
Windsor - Detroit Subway - 1925
February 14, 2014
One to file in the proposed, but unbuilt files. From November 1925, came this proposal for an electric subway train under the river linking Windsor and Detroit.
The caption in the lower left reads as follows:
The architect’s drawing pictured above, shows one of the proposed terminals for the electric train subway which the Detroit Subways Company proposes for its scheme to link the Border…
February 12, 2014
The Town of Walkerville election notice in the December 6, 1934 issue of the Walkerville News.
The ballot included a vote on Amalgamation with the Border Communities, the Walkerville News was urging all eligible voters to turn out and to vote “NO” on…
St Mary's Academy
February 10, 2014
A full frontal view of St. Mary’s Academy along Ouellette Avenue, from the early 1920’s. The original spire of St. Alphonsus church is visible behind the school, labeled as the “Catholic Convent” on this postcard.
The school was demolished in 1928 to…