Lost WindsorOld AdsOld PhotographsWindsor

Little Bavaria

Hope everyone had a good weekend! Here today we have an old advertisement for the Little Bavaria Tavern. Located beside Mario’s at 747 Ouellette Ave (in the building that was last known as Bentley’s) You can see the Little Bavaria in this photo above, that first appeared in this post from June, 2012. Anyone have any memories of the place? Was it part of Mario’s or a separate…
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Ford Powerhouse Rendering

Photo from the Chris Edwards collection A nice rendering here above from the engineering firm dated 1950, showing the view of the powerhouse following the expansion of the building. I love old renderings, architects and engineers used to have talented artistic employees…
Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Lost WindsorWindsor

1077 Ouellette

The 1908 Tudor Revival house at 1077 Ouellette Ave, finally met the wrecking ball earlier this week. This house was part of a heritage fight to preserve it that ultimately lost. A nice house, and one of the least altered and most original on that stretch of Ouellette…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Hon. James Baby

Today we take a look at James Baby, the man who built the second owner of the Duff-Baby house at the corner of Russell & Mill.That house built about 1790, is still standing and is Windsor’s oldest building. As for James Baby, the builder (pictured above)…
Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Sandwich Street Looking East - 1895

Photo from the SWODA This photograph comes from the Official Programme of Grand Military Demonstration, May 24th, 25th, and 26th, 1895 courtesy of the SWODA. This shot is looking east along Sandwich street from Ferry street, beside the old Crawford House Hotel. In the distance on the right hand side of the road the tall tower you can see is the old Windsor Opera House. It later became part of…
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Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

City Hall - 1920

A view of City Hall Square from 1920. This building served as Windsor’s second City Hall, and was replaced in the mid 1950’s, by the third and current city hall, which is currently scheduled for replacement as well. Prior to becoming Windsor’s second City…