
Video Corner...

I was recently give 3 Detroit related Videos to put online from the mid 1980’s.. These are courtesy of PSIP of the forums. All rights to the videos are retained by the author, and are presented in Quicktime. VIDEO 1 Video #1 is the Detroit River with, The Aquarama, Star of Columbia and the Curtis Randolph. Music is R. Wagner, Flying Dutchman Detroit Symphony, Paul Paray…
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DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Silos Coming Down - Photo Du Jour - October 17, 2005

One set of the concrete silos along the Detroit Riverfront are coming down, as Detroit’s vision for a waterfront park moves one step closer. Eventually the plan is to have a waterfront park that stretches from Downtown to the Belle Isle Bridge. The area around the…
DetroitPhoto Du Jour

THANK YOU BOYS... - Photo Du Jour - 10/03/2005

Back and well rested from my honeymoon… Sadly I missed the stretch run for the playoffs, happily the Tigers were not involved… Kudos to the boys for giving us another fun summer, another excuse to sit in the sun on a lazy Sunday afternoon and drink beer. With a…
DetroitPhoto Du Jour

ANTIQUES AT YOUR FEET - Photo Du Jour - 10/12/2005

We’re always looking up, admiring the great architecture that this city has to offer, how often do we look down? This manhole cover in the CBD has been hard at work for 68 years. This is the second oldest one I have ever come across… Anyone know where this one…
DetroitPhoto Du JourWindsor

2004 - The Year In Review

**Originally Uploaded to the old Website 12-31-04** Like I did last year, I present a review of buildings that were demolished in 2004. Above, Albert Kahn’s Transportation Building. Brought down for an expanded parking garage for the Dime building. Below, the…
DetroitPhoto Du JourWindsor

2003 - The Year In Review

**Originally Uploaded to the old Website 12-31-03** On the last day of 2003, I would like to take the time to reflect on buildings in the International Metropolis that fell to the Wreckers ball during the last 12 months, if you have any to add to the list please feel free to add them… From top to bottom: St Cyril & Methodus Church, Detroit The Canadian Transit Company Building…
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