DemolitionLost Windsor

John Ross School - 2715 Bernard

I was recently doing some research, and came across a reference to John Ross School on Bernard, south of Grand Marais. It was built in 1955 and designed by architect J P Thomson. Being Unfamiliar with the school, I looked it up on Google streetview. It seems like it had become a church after the school closed, and was recently vacant and up for sale. The building also housed the offices of the…
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DemolitionLost WindsorWindsor

1493 Parent Ave

On the north west corner of Parent & Shepherd, a few blocks south of Ottawa Street has risen this four-plex on what was for the better part of a decade a vacant lot. Image from Google Streetview From 2010, until the recent construction of the new building in late…
Buildings of WindsorDemolitionLost WindsorSchools

St Bernard School

A rendering of the new school – February 15, 1930 In early 1930, it was announced that the East Windsor separate school board has engaged architect Albert Lothian, to design a nine room school, that would eventually be expanded to 25 rooms. The general plan of the…
DemolitionLost WindsorOld Photographs

Ouellette & Riverside - 1963

Looking north towards Detroit, August 5, 1963 One of those cool but depressing photos, showing the first block of Ouellette from 1963. Every building in this shot on the Windsor side, is long lost to history. The Norwich block on the left, wiped out for the Chrysler Canada office building. The facade of the TD bank on the corner, remains in storage, awaiting a proposal for its reuse. On the…
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DemolitionLost Windsor

Geo E. White & Sons Building Demolition

The site on Wednesday April 10, 2019. I noticed earlier this week, that the George E White company building that was located on the north east corner of Shepard & Windsor, directly across the street from the Windsor Truck & Storage building was wiped away. I…
DemolitionLost WindsorWindsor

1466 Ouellette

So a few months ago one of those little weird medical offices was demolished further up Ouellette. I noticed that this one at 1466 Ouellette, near Sheppard (which was pretty much a twin of the other one) came down earlier this week as well. From what I can remember it’s been empty for the last few years. Google Streetview history shows in 2009 it was home to Relaxation World, back when the…
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DemolitionLost WindsorWindsor

Freedom Way - 2002

Going through some old photos, I came across this one from 2002, looking north along Freedom Way from Park St towards University. It shows the long demolished Top Hat Restaurant and the recently demolished Tunnel Bar-B-Q. Have a good safe long weekend everyone. See you back…
Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Windsor

359 Goyeau

Now that the old Nut House is gone, and the Tunnel Bar-B-Q as well, this old law office at 359 Goyeau, immediately south of the Nut House should be the next to go. A nice old c. 1900 brick house, long ago altered for commercial use. Pretty soon this will be just a memory…