Keeping with the theme of renovations, I noticed that Walkerville CI is undergoing a renovation/restoration that’s long overdue. After many years with a horrible out of place window selection, the school board is replacing the badly retrofitted windows, with a look that is similar to what would have originally been there when the school opened nearly a century ago.

You can see in the top floor, closest to the central tower the first two windows have been replaced, while the rest of the top floor awaits replacement.

The appropriate fenestration really changes the entire look of the building for the better.
Kudos to the School Board for sinking money into the restoration of our historic school buildings. Over the last few years a ton of money has been invested by the GECDSB into serval older properties, and it’s great to see the attitude change from replacement to rehabilitation.
I can’t wait to see this one when it’s completed.
My old school looking not to bad. From personal experience the ground floor windiws in the library which was in the Southeast corner of the school opened. There may have been several times when my friends and I went through those windows to get out of our last period spare early and head home.