
Lazares Furs Neon Sign – Maiden Lane


A view of the Lazares Furs Art Deco neon sign in Maiden Lane in downtown Windsor. The building itself is already listed on the Windosor Heritage Register, but the sign is part of 27 properties that are on the agenda tonight at the Heritage portion of the Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Standing Committee agenda to be discussed tonight in City Council Chambers. Adding the sign the the register as a separate listing, will then require council permission before the sign could be removed.

If you’re up in time, tune in to Windsor Morning on CBC radio one at 7:10 am (97.5 FM) when I’ll be a guest on the morning show to discuss this sign and some of the other properties nominated for protection on the Heritage Register. A copy of the report, if you’re curious, can be found HERE

Under the Ontario Heritage act, a register listed building is given protection that if an owner requests demolition, then a 60 day freeze begins allowing additional time to determine if the structure should be designated and saved or to allow the demolition to proceed. It’s a great tool, that doesn’t place any additional restrictions on the property or the owner.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Tune in if you can.

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