Old Newspaper StoriesRenderingsUnbuiltWindsor

Suggested Civic Centre

This comes from regular reader Mike F. who came across this rendering from the Border Cities Star, November 1, 1930:

Location of the proposed new Canadian National Railways station on the riverfront, at the foot of Windsor avenue, with a city hall square at the avenue’s head, is provided by Thomas Adams, city planner, in the sketch above, provided to the Windsor Council late yesterday. Originally, Mr. Adams proposed establishment of a civic centre around the present city hall park, with the railway terminal there. In view, however, of an apparent preference by the C.N.R., for a waterfront location, he suggests the Windsor avenue site, instead of at the foot of Brock street, proposed by the railway. The station, he recomends, should be raised on a steel and concrete terrace to the level of Sandwich street, with the station proper and a park-garden scheme placed above the tracks and passenger platforms. On the opposite corner of Sandwich and Windsor he would place a post office-customs building and a general purpose building of handsome design, with a street car-radial terminal at the rear of the latter. A new city hall should be on the east side of the present city hall park, fronting on it, and with Assumption street connecting with it by a vehicular arch in the middle of the hall.

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