Old Newspaper StoriesRenderingsWindsor

Store and Flats for Wyandotte Street – 1912

From the Evening Record, October 1912:

This is a new building to be erected on Wyandotte street for Messrs. Osterhout & Little from designs submitted byLeybourne & Whitney, architects and engineers, 204 Davis building. There will be two large and well lighted stores on the first floor with basements beneath. Upon the second floor there will be two flats, each containing a reception hall, a large living room. kitchen, pantry, two bedrooms with closets and a bathroom. The exterior will be made of pressed brick and stone, and the cornice will be decorated with show rafters and brackets and covered with a green tile. The building will cost about $10,000.

This building if still standing could be any one of hundreds of buildings along Wyandotte Street. Interesting to see how this and probably many of the building looked vastly different to today when first built. Nothing like stripping off any decorative elements and making them all look the same…

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