Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

CN 5570 – Late 1930’s

Harry Taylor Collection, photo by Walter Taylor

Today’s photo comes to up via county train historian Tim Swaddling. Tim says the photo is from Harry Taylor’s collection. The photo was taken by Harry’s father, Walter Taylor. The exact date is unknown, but it would likely be late 1930’s / early 1940’s.

The scene is looking northwest towards the river up the CNR / Great Western line. The Peabody Bridge can be seen in the distance. The tail end of the CN passenger train is sitting on Walker Road. The boxcars behind the steam loco are lined up against a building (maybe a Hiram Walker loading dock?), this is where the current and soon to be retired VIA Walkerville / Windsor depot is today. Behind the train is the little CNR station (I believe – I’m sure this might come up in the discussions afterwards), which was rarely ever photographed and not in use for very long.

The little CNR station is news to me, does anyone know anything about this station? This isn’t/wasn’t Walkerville Junction was it?

Harry Taylor Collection, photo by Walter Taylor

A detail crop of the Peabody Bridge and Walkerville Power Building.

Harry Taylor Collection, photo by Walter Taylor

A nice shot of 5570, I like the guy hanging out the window, posing for the photo 🙂

Harry Taylor Collection, photo by Walter Taylor

Looking at the fire insurance map, it looks like this building was part of Parke Davis.

Anyone out there have any extra input to share? I can always count on Rail Fans to fill in some blanks.

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