Old PhotographsWindsor

1941 Richmond – Dr. Peter Dewar House

Today we take a look at the Dr. Peter Dewar house located at 1941 Richmond across the street from Wiliistead park. The pictures come from the April, 1926 issue of “Construction”.

Above is a photo captioned “View from the street”.

“End view showing garage and service entrance”.

“Garden Side”

A view of the ground floor plan.

    This residence was built in 1923. The exterior is brick and rough cast with occasional corners of half timber work done in adzed oak and stained with solignum. The roof is covered with B.C. shingles laid unevenly and stained in shades of green closely recalling the colours of Welsh slates.

    Most of the windows are double hung although no larger than casements; indeed the change was made from casements to double hung after the building operations were started by the special desire of the owner. This necessitated using patent pullets to reduce the thickness of the mullions.

    D.J. Cameron & W. Ralston, Architects.

I found a copy of Dr. Dewar’s obituary from The Canadian Medical Association Journal:

    Dr. Peter Anderson Dewar died on April 7, 1928,
    at his resience in Walkerville, Ont. He was born on a
    farm in Lambton County on September 4, 1859, and
    received his early education in the public schlools of that
    county and in the Sarnia Model School. His first profession
    was that of teaching, and from that be stepped into medicine,
    graduating from Trinity Medical School in Toronto in 1885,
    with first class honours. He began practice in Essex, Ont., and
    remained there for eleven years, during which time he built up a
    very extensive clientèle, and also took an intense interest in the civic
    affairs of the town. In 1896 Dr. Dewar moved to Windsor, where he
    practised until a few months before his death, when ill-health
    compelled him to moderate his activities.

    During his professionial career he started a number
    of young graduates on the road to success. His favourite
    maxim to them was “Be ye known as a physician,” and
    he himself always kept this ideal in mind and lived up
    to it fully, with the result that he was widely known
    as one of the most brilliant and successful physicians
    of western Ontario.

    Two years ago he was given a dinner and a presentation,
    which testified to the high regard in which he
    was held by his fellow practitioners, as well as by the
    community in general. This marked the completion of
    forty years active practice in Essex County, and was
    attended by about one hundred representative citizens
    of the border cities.

    He is survived by his wife, (nee Annie K. Nesbit)
    and five daughters.

View Larger Map

Here’s the house today, one of Walkerville’s grandest and often overlooked residences.

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