Old Newspaper StoriesRenderingsWindsor

New Home Of Studebaker

A while back we took a look at this building located on the south west corner of Chatham & Pelissier Streets. Recently I uncovered this rendering of the building that appeared in the Evening Record, May 30, 1917. Along with the rendering the following article also appeared:

    In keeping with the service maintained elsewhere the Studebaker Corporation of Canada, Ltd., are erecting a modern three-story building at the corner of Chatham and Pelissier streets, Windsor. For some time past the concern has been unable to give the service that they desired owing to improper quarters, but with the completion of their new service station they will be in a position to give their owners the same service that has become famous in other localities.

    The building which will be of reinforced concrete construction with brick facing will be three storeys high. The fireproof scheme has been carried out to the minutest detail, thus insuring the maximum in safety. Steam heat will be used. The flood lighting system used for the display windows will make the rooms very attractive at night.

    The first floor will be used for minor repairs, and sales room; the second devoted to commercial trucks, while the third will be used for repairs. A suitable elevator will be installed.

    G. Jacques & Co., with offices in the Hydro Building, adjoining the new Studebaker site, are the architects, while the R. Westcott Construction Co. have the contract for the job.


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