Old Newspaper StoriesRenderingsWindsor

880 Ouellette Avenue – Corporate House

880 Ouellette, due south of the Main Branch of the Windsor Public Library, stands an one of the few unaltered mid-century office blocks in the city. While it looks a little shabby and dirty these days, she’s still a nice looking building. Although, how she looks today, isn’t how she was planned…

From the Windsor Star – December 10, 1964:

    NEW BUILDING – This is an architect’s sketch drawing
    of the proposed $1,000,000 office building to be erected
    in the 800 block on Ouellette Ave., with construction
    scheduled to start in March and completion early in 1966.
    The 60 by 80 foot building will contain nine stories above
    ground level with decked parking at the rear.

It was built by a group of Windsor businessmen, who called their group Folis Enterprises Ltd. To build the building, newspaper reports said the Carpenter’s Hall at 892 Ouellette and the house immediately to the north, opposite Anderson’s Funeral Home would have to be demolished.

At the rear a decked parking area for 70 vehicles was planned, although I suspect it was never built.

The building was know be called “Corporate House” and was designed by Windsor architect William Hilliker. Hilliker was also the architect for some parts of St. Clair College along with the provincial health lab on Huron Church which is scheduled for demolition later this year.

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