
1017 Ouellette Avenue

Thanks to Urbanrat for the reminder that this house had become demolition number 1, for 2010.

I looked high and low, but couldn’t come up with a photo of the place. Google streetview saves the day…

The closest thing I had was this photo from 2003. You can see the corner of the house to the left of the Medical Arts Building.

I don’t have much info about the house, I would guess it was built around the 1895-1905 era. The 1923 City Directory lists it as the residence of Philip J. Harvey. Harvey was the president of P. Harvey & Co., Limited. They are listed in the directory as “Butchers, Bakers, Fish Dealers, Grocers. Catering our specialty.”

P. Harvey & Co. Limited were located in the middle unit of the building located to the right of Dufferin St. in the photo above (3rd building right of the building under construction) from Scott Hughes’ postcard from a December post.

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While I hate to see our built heritage disappear, I’m hoping good news will follow this demolition… The house is wedged between the Medical Arts Building, and Windsor’s newest scourge the ever present “Lodging House”.

Word on the street has it that the house was purchased by the owner of the Medical Arts Building. He purchased the Medical Arts building a few years ago with plans for a conversion into Condo Units. Maybe the demolition of this site, points towards the start of that project getting off the ground. Personally I’d trade that house to see the Medical Arts put back to use.


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