Lost WindsorPostcardsWindsor

Mai-Mai Tavern

A recent postcard I picked up off of eBay:


    This is one of the new bright lights for dining out, if you happen to be in the Windsor area. Tourists are treated to the finest in Chinese atmosphere and fine food. Your host Chuck Gan will be more than pleased to show you an evening you’ll long remember. Fully licensed.

A big thanks goes out to Ric, who dug up a little information on the place. The Mai-Mai was located at 754 Ouellette Avenue.

Image from Google Streetview

Above is 754 Ouellette Avenue today. Better known as Woody’s Outhouse, the building bears little resemblance to the 1970’s version. I’m so glad Streetview is fianlly live for Windsor.

The Mai-Mai was opened by Joe Gan, who had a long history as a Windsor Restaurateur, having operated the Mandarin on Ouellette and the Windsor Castle Cafe on Chatham St.

It looks like the Mai-Mai operated from about 1968 through 1986. The Gan family also rand the Chinee Villa on Tecumseh Rd. E.

Anyone out there with any memories of the place?

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