Lost WindsorPostcardsWindsor

Hiram Walker & Sons – 1950’s

Here’s an interesting view I recently picked up. It’s a colour view of the Hiram Walker Distillery from the water, before the redevelopment of site that took place in the late 1950’s. I think many of the “new” buildings were erected around 1967-58. As you can see one of the “new” warehouses are visible, behind the offices, similar to the one that was converted into the Club Lofts. I’m going to take a guess and date this around 1954-55 or so…

I like this view, of the old sign. The sign was erected in 1900, designed by Albert Kahn. At the time it was the largest electrical sign in the world. I also think it’s a neat glimpse at the old Victorian era Hiram Walker’s which was in its final years, in only a few short years from when this photo was taken, many buildings were replaced and modernized. A snapshot of what was, right on the brink of total renewal.


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