Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Universal Car Building

Back in February, we paid a visit to the corner of Chatham & Ferry. Since that time, I’ve come across some supplemental information about the building.

From the Evening Record: February, 1913:

The new universal car building, at the corner of Ferry and Chatham streets, a cut of which is given above, is a two-story building of pressed brick and is one hundred feet square. A space forty feet square on the ground floor is occupied as an automobile show room and a space 55 x 100 on the Chatham street side as a garage. On the second floor is a repair room. On this floor is also the Canadian branch of the Curtis Advertising Co., of Detroit. The grocery firm of J.M. Lord has rented all the space on the ground floor not used by the automobile agency and faces Ferry street. The architects and contractors for this up-to-date addition to Windsor’s down town section were Wells & Gray, of Toronto.

Here’s the site early on in construction.

From the Evening Record October, 1912:

Photo of the excavation work for the new garage at the corner of Ferry and Chatham. The frame building on the right is the old skating rink, owned by Fitz Bridges, who was joshed by Malcolm McGregor over allowing it to remain as an eyesore. “I know Mr. Bridges is going to tear it down and put of a new building some day” said Mr. McGregor. The photo shows a pile of debris where the new alley will run through to Ferry street, alongside of the new garage. Refuse has been allowed to accumulate owing to the indifference of the offending landlords and a sleepy board of health.

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